2023 TheRealYateman CFL Survivor Pool
$20 per Entry, Enter as many as you would like
Payable via E-mail transfer to TheRealYateman@gmail.com
Payment Due June 8 9pm EST
How to Enter
Hosted on officepools.com
Send an E-mail to TheRealYateman@gmail.com for the pool code
Officepools is free to create an ID and offers a free app
Each Entry Gets 2 Lives
Pick one team to win each Week
If the pick is correct, the player survives and advances to the next week.
If the pick is incorrect, the player loses a life. Once a player loses twice, they are eliminated.
You can only pick a team three times, Once that team is picked three times it can not be used in future week picks.
Survivor Information on officepools
100% of the Pot is Paid out to Winner
$80 – Baker Bets
Will be sent every Thursday morning.